Liliana Jasmine
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Baby Liliana Jasmine
This is the place for keeping up with all of our exciting news and adventures. Visit this page when you want know what's happening with our Baby Liliana. We will add special events and milestones to this page, so be sure to visit us again!

01/08/08 - Tuesday
Welcome to our world Liliana! We have been expecting you for a long time!  We are so glad that you were born so healthy (and quick!)
Liliana was born at 9:45pm., less than 3 hours after checking in to the hospital -- good job Lili!!!
The original due date was January 3rd, so she was about 5 days late, but again very healthy.
Our families came to meet Liliana at the Hospital the same night that she was born, we were all very excited and extremely happy to see her.  She is so cute!!!!!!!!

01/10/08 - Thursday
After almost 48 hours at the hospital, the Doctors said that we could go home, so we packed ALL of our stuff and went home.  It was snowing when we left the hospital, but we made sure Lili was warm the whole time :)

01/11/08 - Friday
Lili had her first Dr. visit with the Pediatric, nothing was wrong, it was just a general check. We did find out that she had lost some weight, which is normal for all babies during the first few days until they are able to eat more.  The Dr. recommended that we supplement her breast feeding with about 0.5 ounces of formula after each feeding. 
Becky came and stayed over night with us.  She really loves taking care of the baby too.

01/12/08 - Saturday
We went to the Dr. again, this time she gained lots of weight.  She gained almost 6 ounces. Her weight was 7 pounds and 11 ounces. 

01/13/08 - Sunday
Lili ate about 9 times today and she had 4 bottles, each about 1.3 oz. 
Grandad and Becky were here visiting Lili and helping out cleaning, which was really helpful.

01/14/08 - Monday
Lili has been doing really good, she ate 8 times today, each one lasting an average of 31 mins.  In addition she had five 1.5 oz bottles. 
Grandad Rodger, Bryce, and Dylan came to visit Lili. Manny was here to meet Lili too. 

01/15/08 - Tuesday

By the 3rd Dr. visit on Tuesday, she had gained another 5.5 ounces - she weighted 8 pounds and 0.5 ounces.  Lili had a better night, she went back to sleep right after eating.  The previous nights she had stayed up for a while after feeding during the night, and it was harder for her to fall asleep.

01/16/08 - Wednesday
Grandma Rosa, aunt Laura and little cousin Natalia came to visit Lili from Illinois again.  They spend the day here with us and brought us lots of good food! Thank you. 

01/17/08 - Thursday
Liliana slept really good tonight too, she woke up around 4:30 am and ate for like 10 mins and then went back to sleep.  She didn't wake up until 6:45 am. 

Liliana is now a week and 2 days old. She has been a wonderful baby.
Currently she is eating about 8-10 times a day, and each feeding lasts about 30 minutes, do the math and thats a lot of food! Liliana likes to sleep a lot, she will usually fall asleep right after eating, but a couple of times during the day she will stay up for an hour or until she is hungry again.

Lili also likes to smile a lot, many times when she is sleeping, we catch her smiling, we wonder what she is dreaming about :)

Well this is all for now, Liliana Jasmine is waking up and it's time to feed her again!

Please check back soon for more updates and in the mean time please

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